
Honda Cars of Katy Automobile Showroom

RRJ was retained by the owner to perform an investigation and analysis of the moisture problems at the Honda Cars of Katy dealership facility. The facility consists of a two-story main showroom building and a small service center. Shortly after construction completion in 2007, moisture problems were reported and continued even after remedial repairs were performed to address the problem.

The purpose of RRJ’s investigation was to determine the nature and extent of problems at the facility and to become familiar with the design and  construction.  The  investigation scope was in three phases: (1) collection and analysis of background information regarding  the building’s history, including  determining roles and responsibilities of parties (architect, contractor, and owner’s representative) through review of contractual agreements; (2) review of the construction contract documents, product manufacturer’s literature, various publications, and industry standards; and (3) field observations and documentation of existing exterior conditions and interior distress, and diagnostic water testing to evaluate the performance of building enclosure components and to identify sources of water infiltration.

RRJ’s investigative findings identified numerous aspects of the as-built construction deviated  from the project requirements, industry standards, and good construction practices. Deficiencies in the exterior envelope contributed to moisture intrusion and deterioration of the buildings. Additionally, many of the contract document requirements and responsibilities of the parties were not fulfilled,  directly contributing to the problems identified.

Project Details

Location Katy, Texas
Client Ashby LLP
Team Kenneth Lies, Sarah Flock, Dennis Johnson
Market Commercial
Services Investigation, Repair & Restoration Design Services

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